#294- The Difference Between Relief and Feeling Good People often confuse relief with feeling good, but there is a BIG difference. Relief is external. It’s temporary and doesn’t require you to leave your comfort zone. Relief is going to a therapist as a means of catharsis—so you can vent about everything that isn’t working in…
Read MoreSurviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment Shayna Hiller In this episode of “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment,” I talk with yoga teacher and certified health coach, Shayna Hiller. Growing up in an affluent town in New Jersey, Shayna was desperate to be liked. This led to an eating disorder and obsessive/compulsive exercising…
Read More#293- Journey of Attachment: Choosing A Life Vs. A Lifestyle People often stay in bad relationships because they are afraid of losing their lifestyle—the house, group of friends, money, vacations, etc. It’s not just losing a partner, it’s losing the whole package. The problem is, that fear is often worse than the reality and it’s…
Read More#292- Why Is Compassion So Hard? Compassion is such a nice word but it’s hard to do, especially when you have an attachment to your judgmental feelings. Compassion isn’t about giving away your power. It’s not feeling sorry for someone and it’s not excusing or accepting poor behavior. It’s a state of grace that comes…
Read More#291- Journey of Attachment: I Was Raised By Wolves I was raised by parents with no self-awareness and very dogmatic rules. This resulted in a lot of insecure feelings, but of course I didn’t know that’s where they came from. If you were also raised by wolves (used facetiously, of course) your emotional needs were…
Read More#290- Starring in Someone Else’s Story I have talked about the stories we tell ourselves, based on our experiences and negative beliefs… but what happens when you’re the star of someone else’s story? Maybe someone has decided who you are and what you’re about. If it’s negative, you may go to great lengths to prove…
Read MoreSurviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment Col McGunnigle In this episode of “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment,” I talk with visual artist Col McGunnigle. As an award-winning graphic designer for 25 years, Col was at the top of her game, appearing in Vogue, Vanity Fair, Town & Country, and many other publications.…
Read More#288- Defending Yourself is a Bottomless Pit Defending yourself is reactionary; in response to a trigger. If someone pushes your emotional buttons you may respond with, “I did that because of X, Y, Z” or “That’s ridiculous, I would never say that.” You think you’re reacting to what someone else did or said, but you’re…
Read More#287- Journey of Attachment: Love is Not a Game of Chess When you don’t feel loveable, you may strategize to get what you aren’t giving yourself, looking for someone else to fill you up. Or you’ll manipulate a situation to compensate for what you lack. You don’t realize you’re playing a game, but you are.…
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