
#224- Are You a Creator or Reactor in Your Life?

By Shelley / February 9, 2018 /

#224- Are You a Creator or Reactor in Your Life? Do you find yourself reacting to every little thing in your life, as though a force outside of you is carelessly tossing all your wants and desires to the wind? Or do you believe you’re the creator—in charge of your destiny? It can be a…

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#223- Journey of Attachment: Choosing Partners To Ensure You Stay Anxious

By Shelley / February 6, 2018 /

#223- Journey of Attachment: Choosing Partners To Ensure You Stay Anxious Anxiety and insecure attachment often go hand-in-hand. I’ve thought about this a lot recently because my boyfriend has no real concept of anxiety and that horrible feeling I used to have that I might die. Why? Because he’s securely attached. It’s helped me see how…

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#222- The Problem with Affirmations

By Shelley / February 2, 2018 /

#222- The Problem with Affirmations An affirmation is defined as a positive assertion. They are statements you want to be true (which currently aren’t), stated in the present tense AS IF they are true. Like, “I’m in a healthy, loving relationship.” There are different schools of thought around how to use affirmations, and I had…

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#221- Journey of Attachment: Looking for Certainty in an Uncertain World

By Shelley / January 30, 2018 /

#221- Journey of Attachment: Looking for Certainty in an Uncertain World We want other people to give us certainty so we can feel safe… because the outside world is unpredictable. We go to great lengths to control situations in order to feel secure, which only works in the very short term because true safety is…

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#220- My Way or the Highway: Bully and Dictator Behaviors

By Shelley / January 26, 2018 /

#220- My Way or the Highway: Bully and Dictator Behaviors Do you know people who pick fights all the time? They look for an opening to push their opinion or agenda. Or what about those who look for ways to manipulate and undermine others so they feel in control? Maybe YOU even have those tendencies at…

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#219- Journey of Attachment: Why Won’t He/She Commit?

By Shelley / January 23, 2018 /

#219- Journey of Attachment: Why Won’t He/She Commit? A lot of people have one foot in and one foot out… in all areas of life. In this podcast, however, I’m going to focus on commitment (or lack thereof) when it comes to long-term relationships, whether you are in one or want to be in one. We…

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#218- Feelings Won’t Kill You

By Shelley / January 18, 2018 /

#218- Feelings Won’t Kill You So many of you avoid feeling your feelings because you don’t know what’s on the other side. You’re afraid painful emotions might totally consume you, sending you deep into an abyss. Like if you try to release even the smallest bit, the flood gates will open and you’ll be stuck…

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#217- Journey of Attachment: Resistance to Reality

By Shelley / January 16, 2018 /

#217- Journey of Attachment: Resistance to Reality Resistance to reality is an unwillingness to see things as they truly are. It’s the struggle you’re in when you fight against an unsatisfactory situation, trying to change it through force, manipulation or any tactic where you’re trying to control the outcome. It’s the fear you feel in the…

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#216- Blame and Half Apologies

By Shelley / January 12, 2018 /

#216- Blame and Half Apologies The word “sorry” is thrown around a lot in our culture, and you may think simply saying it absolves you of wrongdoing. But what about those of us who include a disclaimer after our apologies? I’m sorry, BUT… (I was provoked, you pushed my buttons, you were out of line, etc.).…

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#215- Journey of Attachment: Over-giving and Over-performing

By Shelley / January 9, 2018 /

#215- Journey of Attachment: Over-giving and Over-performing Insecurely attached people tend to over-perform and over-compensate for the lack of value they feel inside. They think they have to work extra hard, running the race backwards, in order earn love and attention. This goes beyond people-pleasing. It’s a drive to show someone you’re worth it, needing…

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