#243- Journey of Attachment: No One Else Shares Your Reality Even if you agree with someone much of the time, you don’t see everything the same way. There is no objective reality; it’s always colored by your childhood, experiences and biases. Yet you probably expend time and energy trying to get people to see things…
Read More#242- People Aren’t Objects; We Are Built For Connection A healthy relationship has nothing to do with finding that perfect person, or someone who doesn’t trigger you emotionally. It’s about intimacy and connection, which are bound to poke those triggers. This isn’t a bad thing, and instead of shoving the pain down, it’s better to…
Read More#240- Stop Mentally Managing Your Life When your head talks you in and out of things, it means your mind is in control and your emotions are out of reach. Mentally managing everything leads to second guessing your decisions so you’re never truly at peace. Anxiety kicks in and you become overwhelmed because you’re…
Read More#238- When a Relationship Ends and You Feel Like the Bad Guy Do you ever regret how relationships end? I’m not talking strictly intimate relationships; this goes for all relationships: friends, colleagues, family, etc. When a relationship ends poorly, maybe you feel like the bad guy, regardless of your role. The problem is, it doesn’t stop…
Read More#236- The Art of Receiving If someone does something nice for you that’s unexpected, does that make you feel uncomfortable? Do you believe it puts you at a disadvantage because you owe them? Receiving is much harder than giving. Many people have a hard time receiving without feeling obligated to reciprocate because giving provides a…
Read More#234- Why You Keep Choosing the Wrong Partner You have a dream or fantasy about what you THINK you want in another person, but because you’ve never experienced it, it’s only an idea—it’s not real. And it’s not necessarily what would serve you. It’s impossible to know what you connect with when all you’ve done is…
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