
#215- Journey of Attachment: Over-giving and Over-performing

By Shelley / January 9, 2018 /

#215- Journey of Attachment: Over-giving and Over-performing Insecurely attached people tend to over-perform and over-compensate for the lack of value they feel inside. They think they have to work extra hard, running the race backwards, in order earn love and attention. This goes beyond people-pleasing. It’s a drive to show someone you’re worth it, needing…

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#214- When Pain Is In The Driver’s Seat

By Shelley / January 4, 2018 /

#214- When Pain Is In The Driver’s Seat Many people go through life with a certain level of pain, not realizing how much of their behavior is driven by it. What is pain? Anything in your life that is dissatisfying. It’s whatever you feel you can’t handle, or what you TRY to handle with mental strategies.…

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#213- Journey of Attachment: Closure Is An Illusion

By Shelley / January 2, 2018 /

  #213- Journey of Attachment: Closure Is An Illusion When a relationship ends, people say they want “closure,” but what does that even mean? What specifically are they looking for? They THINK they emotionally let go, but they still hang on to the hope of some kind of resolution. Unfortunately there’s no such thing as…

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