#278- Let Your Freak Flag Fly You want to be who you are, but you’ve learned that conforming is safer. Perhaps you felt shame as a kid for being “different” or doing something “wrong” so you brought that into adulthood where you did everything you could to avoid that feeling. You’re smart when you’re with…
Read More#277- Journey of Attachment: Why Did You Leave—Was It Something I Said? Do you think you can control how someone feels about you by what you do or say? Say the right thing and you’re golden; say something wrong and he/she might leave. This leads you to judge and second-guess EVERYTHING, wondering when you’ll say…
Read More#276- I Can’t Sleep, I Can’t Eat and I Don’t Know Why Have you ever had a conversation that went perfectly in your mind, but emotionally you held back in some way so you ended up with a stomach ache or unable to sleep? Your conscious mind gave you the thumbs up, but your subconscious…
Read MoreSurviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment Sarah Phipp In this episode of “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment,” I talk with Transformational Health and Wellbeing Coach Sarah Phipp. As a child, psychological and emotional problems led to ill health and a strong desire to control everything. It wasn’t until her early years…
Read More#275- Journey of Attachment: I’m So Amazing, Why Won’t Anyone Love Me? You’re a superstar! You’re smart, witty and you’ve heard it from everyone: they say you’re a catch! So why haven’t you met anyone? Your friends don’t get it and neither do you. The bigger question is, who are you presenting yourself to be?…
Read More#274- What Do You Expect When Seeking Help? Most people who seek help in the form of coaching, therapy or even a friend are looking for relief from their pain. Some want someone to fix their problems and make them feel ok; the responsibility falls on the helper. Unfortunately that’s not how change and growth…
Read More#272- Other People Are Mirrors For Us It’s hard to see yourself as you are. You may only see the same old image of yourself doing the same things, having no clue what is actually going on at a deeper level. You don’t want to admit you’re jealous or insecure or an outsider. So when…
Read MoreSurviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment Allana Pratt In this episode of “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment,” I talk with Relationship Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt who inspires open-hearted, unapologetic living with delicious sass. With an alcoholic father and co-dependent mother, Allana grew up looking outside herself for safety. Then, when faced…
Read More#271- Journey of Attachment: Influencing Other People’s Choices You may not have awareness when it comes to your actions impacting other people—I sure didn’t! On the one hand I would try so hard to make an impact, and on the other I would feel/believe I had no impact. It actually kept me trying harder and…
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