#457 – Journey Of Attachment: The Attraction to Drama and Stopping It


#457 – Journey Of Attachment: The Attraction to Drama and Stopping It

Do you like to get involved in others’ business? From reality TV to the news to your own relationship, it appears you look for drama in all aspects of your life. Let me say, the stress hormones are addictive, but they’re also a distraction.

Drama is a nothingburger in and of itself, instead, it is coming from a place of avoidance. You use drama to avoid the truth you don’t want to face. You may not be consciously aware, but you’d rather stay irritated at the drama around you, looking for new, external problems overlooking to the inside at your own issues.

When you seek drama, you put way more stress on yourself and your relationships. Oh, and yeah, it usually takes two to Tango, but you only have control of one person: YOU… It’s a choice to look deeper into what is really going on so you can change your life of a rollercoaster to one keeping the train on the tracks. You can have a happy, healthy relationship without working so hard to control it.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn why you look for drama in your life and how to finally let go of it.

Sick of being insecurely attached? Click here to get my free meditative insecure attachment release: https://bit.ly/2ZJL8e8

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Tracy Crossley

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