#497 – Journey Of Attachment: What Do You Mean I Look Happy? I’m Addicted to Feeling Bad!

Addicted to Feeling Bad

#497 – Journey Of Attachment: What Do You Mean I Look Happy? I’m Addicted to Feeling Bad!

Complainers are addicted to feeling bad. Those who constantly compare themselves to others, believing everyone else is better off, are addicted to feeling bad. People who host weekly pity parties about everything that sucks in their lives are addicted to feeling bad. So why would you choose this over feeling good? Because it’s easier. It allows you to avoid your fears, blame the universe for your problems and not do anything differently. Choosing to feel bad let’s you off the hook so you don’t have to make changes (that’s the benefit). But it also keeps you stuck in a personal prison where everything remains frustratingly the same.

You want your life to change, but you can’t see what you do to hold yourself in this “feeling bad” state. To do things differently is too scary, so you don’t do it. But that’s the path to feeling good: going through those fear walls and making things happen. The longer you stay victimized by your own thoughts and stories, judging your life by the outside, the longer you stay in your self-made prison. In this episode I’ll show you how to start breaking your addiction to feeling bad. It requires deep emotional work and a willingness to confront your fears. Your past does not define your present or your future. You get to choose how you feel from this point forward… so isn’t it time to start feeling GOOD?

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Tracy Crossley

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