#529 – Journey of Attachment: Design a Real Fairy Tale

#529 – Journey of Attachment: Design a Real Fairy Tale

Have you ever tried to manufacture a fairy tale? In it, you dream of being rescued by your prince or princess. It’s a fantasy love story that you play out in real life, except he/she is more like a villain in a thriller novel or the antagonist of a dark comedy. But no matter… you’ll endure the pain you’re in while telling yourself you’re living in a fairy tale. Playing the victim feels safe and comforting, but of course you don’t really see your character as a victim because your need to cling to a fantasy is stronger than your willingness to see reality.

Fantasies are created when you can’t handle your own feelings of disappointment, shame, rejection, etc. It’s a way of avoiding reality, but it comes at a price: pain. And it is a pain you are choosing. You may not even notice, however, because you have grown accustomed to it. In this week’s episode you’ll learn how to be your own rescuer so you can rewrite your story into something that matches reality. And guess what? You can still have your happy ending! A REAL happy ending, not a manufactured one.

Wisdom Nugget (#wisdomnugget)
You are better than where you are. Listen for the voice inside who knows you are the hero or heroine… and write that story!

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Tracy Crossley

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