#542 – Journey of Attachment: I’m the Black Sheep of My Family, Afraid of Being Kicked Out

#542 – Journey of Attachment: I’m the Black Sheep of My Family, Afraid of Being Kicked Out

Family relationships are tricky—especially with parents. And those primary relationships set the foundation for future relationships. So what happens when you feel like you have to walk a tightrope to keep those people loving you? When you feel like you’re one sentence away from being disowned? When you’re blamed for your mother’s or father’s or sibling’s actions, believing YOU caused them because you’re a bad apple? Well, it results in a lot of walking on eggshells, and often a waterfall of shame and guilt for simply being you. You may whine and complain, make a joke of it, or distance yourself from the toxic family member to cope.

It’s heavy baggage that you probably carry into other relationships… tip toeing around and playing small so you won’t be discovered as the black sheep you believe you are. The thing is, NOTHING you say or do will change the person you walk this tightrope with. You can talk until you’re blue in the face to convince them you’re not in the wrong or they misunderstood, but it won’t matter because it’s not about you. It’s about them. Listen to this week’s episode where I talk about this painful family dynamic and how to deal with it. Once again my mother takes center stage, challenging me to focus on the only thing I truly have control over: me.

WISDOM NUGGET (#wisdomnugget)
Being you is not a prison sentence. To accept all of you, stop being your own worst critic and become your own fabulous cheerleader!

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Tracy Crossley

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