#544 – Journey of Attachment: I Know My Issues, So Why Am I’m Still Stuck?

#544 – Journey of Attachment: I Know My Issues, So Why Am I’m Still Stuck?

You’re a smart cookie and have developed a level of self-awareness from books, podcasts, courses, therapy, etc. Maybe you even share these discoveries with others, feeling enlightened as you recite your issues. You talk about how you always do this one thing on a date to ruin things, or your recurring pattern of being a hostage in your relationships. You know all of this and yet… nothing changes. With all of this self-awareness, why is life not cooperating? Why are you still stuck repeating the same patterns?

This is what living in your head looks like. You can collect all the information you want, but knowing your sh*t is not the same as doing something about it. In fact, it can lead to feelings of defeat because you know what you’re doing “wrong,” yet you’re unable to change it. This cycle often starts with anger, then moves to frustration, spirals down to depression and ends with hopelessness. Not fun. You beat yourself up because you can see what’s happening, but you can’t get to the other side.

In this episode I’ll talk about the critical step you’re missing (ACTION), and the common obstacles to taking it (fear, control, resistance, trust, collecting evidence). Life can’t be figured out in your head, and change isn’t at the end of your next book. Patterns break when you build trust in yourself, let go of control and have new experiences… even if you don’t know where they will lead. Don’t live your life on the sidelines as a passive observer. Participate.

WISDOM NUGGET (#wisdomnugget)
Stop thinking and listening to your same old stories. Let your heart lead without conditions and DO what you have not yet done.

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Tracy Crossley

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