#767: You Are the Prize! Winning on Being a Confident You (REBROADCAST)

#767: You Are the Prize! Winning on Being a Confident You (REBROADCAST)

Do you say to yourself (or others) that you are the prize, and your partner is lucky to have you? And do you actually believe it, or is it just false bravado? Maybe you overcompensate for your true feelings that you don’t measure up by working hard to “be the prize.” Or you go the other direction and withdraw because deep down you not only believe you’re NOT the prize… you feel completely worthless. Whichever road you take, you’re causing drama and sabotaging your relationships.

In this week’s podcast we explore what’s behind this diminished sense of value and how to build yourself up so you feel worthy and deserving of love. It starts with unraveling your shame and self-judgment, then feeling it instead of minimizing it (yep, you’ve gotta there). I’ll walk you through a few steps to get you started.

Shame is a tough emotion to allow, but you are more resilient than you think. And it’s worth this deep work because once you start believing you really are a gem, you’ll attract someone who believes it to.

Here are just a few key insights you’ll gain:

  • How to stop creating unnecessary drama and chaos in your life
  • Techniques for treating yourself with kindness and self-compassion
  • Steps to take empowered actions that align with your self-worth
  • Ways to overcome the fears holding you back from living as your best self

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