#773: Problems, Complaints and Lack of Trust Will Never Get You the Pot of Gold!

#773: Problems, Complaints and Lack of Trust Will Never Get You the Pot of Gold!

How much time do you spend complaining about problems and/or fixing them? You finally join the country club, but you can never get the tee-time you want, the food is bland and all the members are annoying. Or you criticize your co-worker for doing a project “wrong,” then take it over and do it yourself because no one can measure up to you. This, my friends, is classic avoidance. When your focus is on problems outside of you, it lets you off the hook to address what’s happening INSIDE of you.

When you don’t trust life or other people, you work harder to control things, including solving problems that don’t exist. And when you criticize everything under the sun, you are resistant to change and growth. These are signs of unhappiness. In this week’s episode we’ll look at your expectations of others and why they exist. You will also be challenged to stop solving problems for one day to see what happens when you allow life to unfold without judgment or control. Problems are everywhere, but they don’t have to become your problems. Instead of focusing on them, you can learn to trust that things will work out without your interference.

WISDOM NUGGET (#wisdomnugget)
You can be a martyr or problem-solver, but neither will open you up to happiness.

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