#539 – Journey Of Attachment: Going Down the Rabbit Hole

#539 – Journey Of Attachment: Going Down the Rabbit Hole

Life was feeling ok until the floor fell out from under you. Your mom called you selfish on the phone yesterday and your friend thought you were rude when you were trying to be funny. Then the person you’re dating suddenly canceled on you with no explanation. What gives? Why is everything suddenly turning to sh*t? This sequence of events triggers your feelings of unworthiness, making you want to crawl into a hole and dissolve into a million pieces. You’re sad and feel victimized. Maybe everyone hates you and you should re-evaluate the value you contribute in all areas of your life. You want someone to rescue you because when you go down the rabbit hole, it can feel impossible to climb out.

But of course you have to get yourself out, and actually, come to think of it, it’s rather comfortable down there. It’s a way of escaping life. But what kind of life IS that? Not a very functional one. In this week’s podcast I’ll talk about what to do when you find yourself in this dark place… and no, it is not simply “climb out.” There are important questions to ask so you can stop yourself from further descent, and eventually avoid spiraling in the future. It’s not a fun place, but accepting where you are and using it as an opportunity for growth can turn a dark cloud into a shining light.

Wisdom Nugget (#wisdomnugget)
As much as the rabbit hole is comfortable and familiar, climb through the inertia and speak your truth to the world.

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Tracy Crossley

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