Moving On to a Healthy and Thriving Life! with Laurie Gerber


#588 – Moving On to a Healthy and Thriving Life! with Laurie Gerber

Born of a spiritual-seeking mother and knowledge-seeking father, Laurie Gerber grew up fascinated by the human experience and what makes people tick. She became an educational consultant who matched students with tutors, but realized she was less interested in helping students achieve academic success than she was in helping them deal with their suffering. To better define her goals and excel in her career, Laurie started working with a coach. That’s when she realized how much of her entire life—not just professionally—was spent anesthetized, simply going through the motions.

Using The Handel Method, which is what she now teaches, Laurie saw the disconnect between her dreams and her reality. Join me as Laurie shares how she reconnected with her husband and what she envisioned for herself as a kid by getting vulnerable and speaking her truth. Today she teaches practical tools on how to dream, bust excuses, action plan for the future, build Personal Integrity® and, most importantly, the art of honesty.

“If we are not being true to ourselves, we’re never going to be loved because WE will not be there to be loved.”
–Laurie Gerber

Take the free Current Reality quiz at:

Learn more about Laurie and The Handel Group:
Facebook- @HGLifeCoaching
Instagram- @Lauriegerber_coach
Twitter- @HGLifeCoaching

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If you’re ready to change the cycle of never-ending suffering, let’s see how I can help you! You can schedule your Discovery Session to see how we can work together by emailing ha*******@tr***********.com.

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Tracy Crossley

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