Moving On to a Healthy and Thriving Life! with Lola Berry

#677 – Moving On to a Healthy and Thriving Life! with Lola Berry

“I love failing and I don’t think it should be a dirty word.” —Lola Berry

Lola Berry is one of those rare birds who runs towards what scares her and embraces failure, believing there is always something to learn. With every fail, fall, and drop, she builds her resilience and stands a little bit taller. As a kid, she wanted to be an actress, and today she is chasing that dream in Los Angeles. Born in Melbourne, Lola finally won her US green card… right after she met her boyfriend.

Join me for a fun and connected conversation with Lola as she talks about her literal and figurative journey to where she is today—splitting her time between Los Angeles and Byron Bay, Australia (and how she makes her relationship work). In addition to being an actor, she is also a nutritionist, yoga instructor, podcaster, Instagram influencer, best-selling author and co-creator of a medicinal brain tonic called Lola Coffee. Her biggest piece of advice? Run towards what fills you up.

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