The Method


The METHOD To change from the inside out

In a Flash!

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The good news is you already have the answers – you just couldn’t see them.

You CAN learn to uncover the method for attracting the life you want.

And it all starts here!

You Know How to Shine

There’s nothing like setting a goal and going all-in to achieve it. Whether it’s securing a promotion, landing that client, or helping others in need, you always deliver. You secretly enjoy the admiring glances and comments like “of course, you won” and “you make it look so easy!”

The truth is looking successful is hard work
You know how to work hard. Reading books, taking courses, doing research, perfecting, and polishing in pursuit of the next reward. It keeps you b-u-s-y. Too busy for a meaningful personal life.

Everything looks golden from the outside: your Instagram-worthy lifestyle, beautiful family, charitable work . . . but underneath that shiny exterior, you don’t feel the fulfillment you expected. You may have a relationship that doesn’t live up to the facade and you worry that this is the best it will ever be.

It’s not like you haven’t tried!
Self-help is your favorite investment: whether it’s books, coaching, courses, or counseling. In spite of all these things, you keep finding yourself single – or worse – stuck in an unhappy relationship.

When relationship after relationship goes wrong, you realize there is one constant – yourself. Part of you has been resisting the change. I know that’s frustrating as hell, but it’s also good news.


You've come to a fork in the road

The point where you can choose from two options.

Option one: Think your way to the life you want. You know how to set goals, take action, and power through the hard times.  If you can figure out the “right” thoughts and actions, you’ll finally feel HAPPY! Rainbows and sunshine can fly out of your ass, too. ????

I applaud your attitude. But you’re attacking the wrong problem.


Option two: Try something different. Recognize that the approach you’ve taken so far has brought you here. And here – in this moment – you’re still unhappy.

Learn the method  so you can find the subconscious roots of the things you want to change. Empower yourself to STOP those familiar thoughts quickly, at any time, any place, and in any situation. You’ll lift the dark, heavy clouds of doubt from the back of your mind. Instantly, you’ll feel lighter, happier, and at peace.

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driven to succeed!

That’s more than the frame for your license plate, it’s your motto. Life doesn’t happen to you. You make life happen!

Achievements and compliments make you feel elated, excited, and ready to shout from the rooftops.

Lately, you’ve noticed that success isn’t as fun because you’ve already been there and done that.

You anticipate the thrill of victory every time you reach a new peak, but instead, you find yourself climbing another mountain.


Will The Method Work For Me?

Faster Than Therapy

Bringing the method into your daily life will move you faster than any form of therapy out there. But first, you have to learn it, allow it (welcome it) and embody it.

How The Method Works

You’ll spend 6 months learning and practicing the process that will change the rest of your life – for the better!

There are two phases of the method  program – with a retreat in between. Once you’ve mastered these phases, you’ll have the power to instantly shift at the subconscious level because it will be second nature to you.


Feel your feelings without being overwhelmed by them; no more stuffing them with gallons of ice cream, extreme workouts, shopping, hangovers and so on (unless of course you want to).

Deal with emotional triggers in a healthy way so you remain in power (of yourself).

Understand the motivations behind your actions, so you make the best choices.

Do things because you want to – not out of obligation, shame, or a need to prove yourself.

Be happy regardless of the external circumstances.

Set boundaries for your own sense of safety and self-worth.

Go BIG and go home… happily.

Phase One: The Foundation

(First 90 Days)

Most people make the same choices all the time because they are on autopilot or consciously fear doing something different. 

The method  makes your choices easier since you’ll no longer feel the same way about your situation. You’ll finally feel free to do what you want for your best and most fulfilling life!

The first 3 months are focused on building the foundation for your success.  You’ll begin with the important education that allows you to be READY for the method.

Picture Yourself... an Olympic athlete – the road to victory begins long before the qualifying trials. It starts with years of 5 am training sessions.

No, you won’t be running sprints and counting calories in this program. You’ll be mentally preparing for the work ahead.

We’re taking ACTION (this is what you do no matter what your story says).  That action begins with clearing out the garbage of the thousand dilemmas that have been dragging you down.

You’ll learn the 6 E’s that form the pillars of your emotional growth.

  1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  2. Emotional Relationality (ER)
  3. Emotional Motivation (MQ)
  4. Emotional Awareness (EA)
  5. Emotional Flexibility (EF)
  6. Emotional Abundance (E+)

Each level of “E” is about taking action in that area – which prepares you for the next level. As you take these steps in order, they will allow you to embody the method .

In Phase One, you're creating the basis for The Method to work inside of you

You'll Learn How To:

Trust Yourself

Stop beating yourself up

Feel good, even when life around you is shit

Detach from the details of your success - quit fighting so hard to hold onto it and be open to receiving the even greater success that was awating you all along

The Retreat

End of phase 1

Toward the end of the first 90 days in September 2022, I will be hosting a retreat at my home in the Los Angeles area.

The 2-day retreat will get you ready to embody the method and experience a major shift in your perspective, psyche, and feelings.

Enjoy rest, relaxation, and growth as you’re surrounded by the beauty of nature in this tranquil setting.

  • Spend quiet moments in the private zen garden with two statues imported from Bali
  • Sit on the decks and share meaningful conversations with your new friends as the breeze floats around you
  • Explore the amazing 360-degree views from inside the house
retreat house

Nature is very prominent here and its beauty is obvious no matter where you are – inside or out.

You’ll walk away from the weekend feeling like you’re at the next level (but still you!). You’re starting to evolve into your most abundant self.

If you can’t attend live, we’ll send you the educational aspects over Zoom.

The best will still be coming in the form of the second 90 days.

You’ll walk away from the weekend feeling like you’re at the next level (but still you!). You’re starting to evolve into your most abundant self.

If you can’t attend live, we’ll send you the educational aspects over Zoom.

The best will still be coming in the form of the second 90 days.

You’re going to learn just how deeply powerful you truly are!

Phase Two: The Embodiment

(SECOND 90 Days)

In the second ninety days, you’ll learn each part of the method and how it works.

The method  makes your choices easier since you’ll no longer feel the same way about your situation. You’ll finally feel free to do what you want for your best and most fulfilling life!

The first 3 months are focused on building the foundation for your success.  You’ll begin with the important education that allows you to be READY for the method.


Discover how motivation influences your practice and how to have the correct motivation to apply the method.


Coaching helps you to unravel your story, but it’s too easy to get caught up in the details of what is wrong in your life. In the method  you’ll learn techniques that go beyond the surface details to make changes at your subconscious level.

Pattern Interrupt

You’ll complete exercises using The Method  until it becomes second nature to you. You will also have a practicum (which is the 30-day check-in after the program ends) for accountability and advice.

Internal Validation

You won’t need to depend on others to reassure you that you’re successful, smart, accomplished, worthy, or lovable. You won’t be riding the waves of circumstances. You will know – to your core – that you’re valuable no matter what.

Going Deeper

Before starting this program your life was built on patterns of behavior – because these behaviors were so ingrained they seemed like personality traits. You’ll learn how to STOP yourself before repeating problematic patterns.

Bonus:  The Practicum

(30 days of extra support)

For the 30 days after the program ends, you’ll be able to check with your advisor on Marco Polo for accountability and support.

You’re continuing to practice a new skill – one you can use for the rest of your life. We’re excited to advise you and cheer you on!

I'm Ready To Invest In MYSELF

The End Result

After six months in the method program, you’ll have confidence in yourself to handle “difficult” situations with grace.

You’ll be able to keep your cool and maintain your boundaries – even in circumstances that would have triggered the old version of you.

You won’t need another program unless you choose to learn other methods to add to your tool chest

If life events happen that spark your desire to learn more, you’ll make that choice from a place of strength. You’ll feel at ease and comfortable with your ability to embody the method.

You’ll amaze yourself with the possibilities: look at what you thought was your best life a year ago, and then grow beyond it!

You’ll be able to accomplish whatever you want –  in the most fulfilling and joyful way possible.

You’re going to live in the world you’ve always wanted.



Value & Investment Valued at:
Phase 1 (3 Months): The Foundation $2,500
Retreat Experience at Tracy's home in Los Angeles $5,000
Phase 2 (3 Months): The Embodiment $5,000
30-Day Practicum: Adisor for Accountability & Support $2,000
The Mastermind Aspect + Bonding with Other Participants $10,000
Being able to instantly get unstuck anytime - for life! Priceless
Total Value: $24,500 + more

One Payment

$3,997 one time


We're here to chat!

We understand that taking the leap can be scary, but we're just a call away. If you'd prefer to chat with us before committing to the program, click below to set up a call.

Meet Tracy

from insecurely attached to happily married

Tracy Crossley knows the emotional roller coaster of anxiety and attachment first-hand. She shares her experiences with equal parts empathy and humor, attracting thousands of podcast listeners and hundreds of clients who appreciate her candid style.

Her work centers on emotional connection—with ourselves and others—to help you get out of your head and uncover the belief system that drives your behavior. In her 15+ years of mentoring, she has discovered lasting change requires three critical steps:

  • Awareness
  • Feeling your Feelings
  • Action

The tools in Mastery incorporate all three, which is why participants experience such profound shifts. Self-help books and courses can be helpful for increasing awareness, but they often fall short when it comes to emotional connection and action.


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